As light rain showers continue in the area this afternoon, the weekly U.S. Drought Monitor shows nearly all of Virginia, DC, and Maryland in at least the Abnormally Dry category. Moderate drought (tan shading) covers 32% of Virginia and extends northward through 52% of Maryland. For the last 60 days, precipitation has been only 25-50% of average from northern Virginia across Maryland and Delaware, and into New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
Through 5 pm today, 0.26" of rain has been measured at Washington National Airport, bringing the month's total over 1" for the first time. At 1.13" to date, this month has now dropped to the 7th driest March. Dulles has reported 0.30" for the day and 1.14" for the month; at BWI the daily and monthly amounts are 0.22" and 1.02".
The year-to-date deficits are currently:
National 4.74"
Dulles 4.69"
BWI 5.82"
Although today's rain is nearing an end this evening, there are a couple more chances of precipitation before the end of this month.
Images (click to enlarge): 90-day precipitation history for Washington DC from Climate Prediction Center/NCEP/NOAA; 60-day percentage of average precipitation from Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service, NWS; Maryland and Virginia drought conditions from U.S. Drought Monitor, USDA and NOAA