Following temperatures forecast to range from the low 30s to mid and upper 40s through tomorrow, the final March average is likely to dip to around 45.8°, still 1.4° above the old record. This would be the first time the March average has ever exceeded 45° at Albany.
Temperature records were set or tied on 8 days this month (old record and date in parentheses):
March 8 68 (66, 2000)The 7 daily high temperature records now held by 2012 are nearly one quarter of the month's total and 5 more than the next highest years. Only one daily temperature record remains from as early as 1910.
March 12 69 (67, 1890)
March 13 70 (tie, 1946)
March 18 69 (65, 1966)
March 19 78 (75, 1894)
March 19 48 (tie, 1983) [high minimum]
March 20 78 (74, 1903)
March 20 51 (49, 1903) [high minimum]
March 22 81 (80, 1938)
March 22 49 (44, 1949) [high minimum]
March 23 56 (53, 1938) [high minimum]
Images (click to enlarge): Albany, New York March 2012 average temperature to date (TD) and projected final average (PROJ) vs. 10 previous warmest Marches; Number of Albany March daily temperature records set by year; CapitalClimate charts from National Weather Service data
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