The weekly unadjusted average was 6.1°F above the 1981-2010 climatology, up from 3.9°F the previous week. Over 90% of locations were warmer than average.
The warmest locations were Chicago and Rockford, Illinois; Grand Rapids, Michigan; and Madison, Wisconsin, each at +15°F and the coolest was San Diego, California at -5°F. No other location was more than 2°F cooler than average.
Images (click to enlarge):
- Weekly average U.S. temperature departures from normal, weeks ending June 4, 2011 (20110604) through July 7, 2012 (20120707); CapitalClimate chart from NOAA/NCDC data
- Weekly average NWS station temperature departures from normal, week ending July 7, 2012; stations listed alphabetically by state and 3-character station identifier; CapitalClimate chart from NWS data
- Average U.S. temperature departure from normal for week ending July 7, 2012 from High Plains Regional Climate Center
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