Following highs of 98° and 97° on Tuesday and Wednesday, temperatures cooled through the weekend with highs of only 80° on Friday and Sunday. These were the lowest daily highs since the temperature last failed to reach 80° on June 9. Today is the 68th consecutive day with temperatures of 80° or higher.
Today's preliminary high was 91° after a low so far of 74°. This makes the daily average 5° above average. Friday, August 13, through Sunday, August 15, were the first 3 consecutive days below average since the first 3 days of July, but they were only below average by 1° each.
Overall, the August average has declined slightly from its peak to 80.9°, which is 2.4° above average. If it continues at this rate, this month will be the 6th warmest August on record. The summer average to date is 81.6°, which continues well above the previous record pace. If temperatures for the rest of the month merely equal the long-term average, the summer will still easily break the record with a temperature of 80.8°. In fact, however, temperatures in the coming week as well as into the extended range are forecast to be above average.
Images (click to enlarge): Washington, DC average summer temperatures to date for 2010 and previous record years 1980, 1991, 2002, and climatological period 1971-2000; Daily high temperatures, summer 2010 (portion above 90° in dark red); CapitalClimate charts from National Weather Service data, background photo from Kevin Ambrose; 6-10 day and 8-14 day temperature outlooks from Climate Prediction Center/NWS
What's the highest dewpoint ever recorded in DC? I noticed the dew point was 76 on Monday. I thought that was excessively high, but I'm not sure. I know that our top line summer dewpoint seems to be around 65-70.
Good question.
It's bad enough when it gets to 76, but on very rare occasions, it's probably been 80 or a bit more. If I can find any instances, I'll post them.
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