Sunny, very warm. Washington's Lake Wobegon string of consecutive days with average temperatures at or above normal reached day 32 as readings once again broke 80° early this afternoon. With only 9 days left in the month, this October is now averaging 9.7° above average. By comparison, the warmest October in history (1984) was 5.5° above average. Humidities have also crept up a bit with dewpoints mostly in the low to mid 50s.
After a good chance for the proverbially much-needed rain tomorrow, more seasonable temperatures will return for midweek.
Tonight and Tomorrow
For the outlook through the rest of the week and into the weekend, scroll on down to Dan's post below.
Climate Corner
Today's Kojo Nnamdi Show on WAMU-FM featured a discussion on "Scientists vs. Politicians in Public Policy", and the Diane Rehm Show had a review of the current drought situation with an engineering professor from UMD, a climatologist from the National Drought Mitigation Center, and a meteorologist from the National Climatic Data Center. Podcasts are available online.
Political Science
An editorial, "Climate Change on Capitol Hill", in today's WaPo favors the passage of the climate change bill (America's Climate Security Act) introduced on Thursday by Sen. Warner (R) of Virginia and Sen. Lieberman (R-lite) of Connecticut. The Environmental Defense blog has a more comprehensive analysis of the bill.
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