
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Cherry-Pick of the Week: All-Time Record Heat in Tibet

For previous record temperature posts, see:
Record Heat
Record Cold

Having a chilly summer in your neck of the woods? Been hanging around on cherry-picking cold-weather web sites lately? Here's an antidote: Lhasa, Tibet (elevation 12000 feet) has reported an all-time high temperature record (data period 58 years):
Lhasa, July 25 (Xinhua) The Tibetan Autonomous Region in southwest China Friday saw a record high temperature of 30.4 degrees Celsius since the meteorological department began recording data in 1951, officials said.

Lhasa, the main city of the region, with an altitude of 3,650 meters above the sea level, recorded a temperature of 29.9 degrees Celsius Thursday, reaching the previous record set on June 15, 1998, the Tibet Meteorological Station said.

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