
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Nibbling Away at the Cold


Mostly sunny, seasonable. After the persistent cold most of the rest of this month, today's near-average temperatures seem mild by comparison, as Sunday's snow continues to fade away, perhaps helped in part by the legendary Snow Mice. At mid afternoon, most reporting locations in the metro region were within a couple of degrees of 50°. Highs were 52° at National, 51° at Dulles and BWI.

Dry conditions will continue for another day or so while a new storm system organizes in the central Rockies and heads toward the Great Lakes on a similar track as the last one, promising an icy event for parts of the East Coast. This time, however, both of the main U.S. models have the ice zone a couple of hundred miles further north. This time they mean it. Honestly. Stay tuned.

Photo of snow sculpture from visitor Walter. See Flickr for some more amazing creations.

Tonight and Tomorrow

Partly cloudy, seasonable. Lows tonight under partly cloudy skies will be from the low and mid 30s in town to the upper 20s in the cooler 'burbvilles. Tomorrow will be similar to today, but with a bit more sun, and highs 48-52°.

For the outlook through the rest of the week, scroll down to Jason's post below.

Revenue Removal

An article in today's WaPo Metro section implies that local transportation departments could use some help from the Snow Mice. Despite the aggregate snow total being only about 50% of "normal", seemingly chronically underfunded snow removal budgets have already been exceeded, in some cases prior to Sunday's event.

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