
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Frigid February Finally Fading


Sunny, seasonable True to form, this February is finishing with a below-average day, although it's only by 1°. The seasonable temperatures felt even more springlike this afternoon with the strong sun and light winds. Highs were 51° at National, 52° at Dulles, 50° at BWI.

Meanwhile, a storm system which once again dumped on Denver with an additional 3-7" of snow will be heading toward the upper Great Lakes in the next couple of days, bringing possibly heavy rain to the Mid Atlantic area and an icy mix to interior southern New York and New England.

Tonight and Tomorrow

Increasing clouds, chance of rain in afternoon.
Clouds will begin to increase tonight with lows in the mid 30s downtown to near 30° in 'burbville. Tomorrow will be mostly cloudy with a 40% chance of rain by evening and highs 48-52°

For the outlook Friday through the weekend, scroll down to Dan's post below. Also included in Dan's post is a post-mortem of Sunday's storm.

Climate Corner

An international panel of scientists sponsored by the United Nations Foundation and the scientific research honor society Sigma Xi released a report yesterday "outlining the best measures for mitigating and adapting to global warming." The executive summary, full report, and links to news coverage are available on the UNF web site.

(N)ice Art

Our link yesterday to Walter's snow sculpture was picked up by our friends at the USA Today weather blog.

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