
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

U.S. Average Temperature Warmer Than Climatology All But 4 Weeks in Past Year

U.S. weekly average temperatures compiled by the National Climatic Data Center from National Weather Service reports show that there have been only 4 weeks in the past year that have not been warmer than the climatological normal. None of these has been in 2012, although the past week, ending June 2, was close, at +0.28°F. The most recent cold week ended on December 10. The only 2 consecutive cold weeks were in November. The preliminary national average temperature of 55.22° for the past year was 2.23°F warmer than climatology.

1 comment:

  1. All climate scientists have special views of effects, thus no consensus climate change is DEATH. “It is real”, “possibly” is not consensus.
