
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Summer Temperature Update: Heat Records Increase Lead Over Cold Records to 8.4 to 1

See Record Heat for the latest updates.

7 PM Update: Added chart of ratios from previous decades for comparison.

Original post:
As previously reported, U.S. daily high temperature records were dominating cold records in July by a ratio of over 5 to 1, based on preliminary data from the National Climatic Data Center. A surge of heat records in the final week of the month has pushed the total ratio to 6.1 to 1. For the summer as a whole (June and July combined), the ratio has increased to 8.4 to 1. This also increases the year-to-date ratio to 2.7 to 1.

Out of the 1601 daily high temperature records broken in July, 49 were all-time records for any day of any month. Combined with the updated count of 20 all-time records in June, this gives a total of 69 so far this summer. In comparison, only 8 all-time cold records were set in all 3 months of last winter combined.

Preliminary data from ESRL/NOAA shows that nearly all of the U.S. east of the Rockies was above average (1981-2010 baseline) with the most extreme temperature values from northern Texas through Oklahoma and Kansas.

Images (click to enlarge):
- Monthly ratios of daily high temperature to low temperature records set in the U.S. for July 2010 through July 2011. Data from NOAA National Climatic Data Center, background image © Kevin Ambrose ( Includes historical daily observations archived in NCDC's Cooperative Summary of the Day data set and preliminary reports from Cooperative Observers and First Order National Weather Service stations. All stations have a Period of Record of at least 30 years.
- Decadal average ratios of heat records to cold records, from University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
- Preliminary July 2011 U.S. temperature departure from 1981-2010 average from ESRL.

1 comment:

  1. To make things simple for other readers, previous ratios of high to low records follow:

    1950s: 1.09 (to 1)
    1960s: 0.77
    1970s: 0.78
    1980s: 1.14
    1990s: 1.36
    2000s: 2.04
    2010: 2.68

    Tom Gray
    Wind Energy Communications Consultant
