
Friday, July 22, 2011

Washington Dulles Sets All-Time High Temperature Record;
Mid Atlantic Daily Records Smashed by Wide Margin

The high temperature of 105° at 3:52 pm today at Washington Dulles is a new all-time record. It beats the old record for July 22 of 98° in 1998 by 7°. The previous July monthly record and all-time record was 104° on July 16, 1988. The August monthly record is also 104°, set on August 20, 1983. Dulles climate records began in 1962.

The Washington National high of 102° was 1° below the record of 103° in 1926.

The high of 106° at Baltimore BWI broke the daily record of 101° from 1957 by 5°. This is the second highest temperature in history at Baltimore. The all-time high was 107° on July 10, 1936, but the highest record for any other day was 105°. Baltimore climate records began in 1870.

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