
Friday, July 22, 2011

Newark Near Breaks Extends All-Time Temperature Record

3 PM Update: Newark's all-time record is up another notch at an incredible 108° (42.2°C).

2:15 PM Update: The 2 pm report from Newark shows a high so far today of 107°, exceeding the old record, which had been tied 4 times, by 2°. For the geeks, here is the historic report, showing a high temperature in the past 6 hours of 41.7°C.:

KEWR 221751Z 27015G19KT 9SM FEW060 41/20 A2982 RMK AO2 SLP099 HAZE ALOFT T04110200 10417 20322 58001

2 PM Update: The Newark all-time high temperature record has been broken with a reading of 106° at 2 pm.

Original post:
With the peak afternoon heating still to go, Newark, New Jersey has reached 104° as of 1 pm. This is just 1° below the all-time high temperature record at Newark of 105°. Since daily records began in 1929, the record temperature has been observed 4 times in July and once each in August and September:
July  3 1966
July 4 1949
July 8 1993
July 10 1993
Aug. 9 2001
Sept. 2 1953

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