
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Massive Wildfires in Alberta Impact Oil Production

CNBC reported this morning (click image to view video) that massive wildfires in Alberta, Canada, fueled by high winds and very dry conditions, have forced some oil operations in the province to shut down. The fires, which at the peak numbered over 100, have burned entire towns to the ground. The town of Slave Lake, population 7000, has been one-third destroyed, with all residents evacuated.

The government reported on Wednesday that 87 fires were still burning, with 23 out of control, including the one in Slave Lake.

Slave Lake temperatures in the past week have been well above the May average of 9.7°C. The May total precipitation to date of 4.5 mm. is barely over 10% of the normal monthly total of 40.9 mm.; no more than 1 mm. has fallen on any individual day this month.

More video (click to play) from AP, via Google News:

More videos and images at Alberta News.

Image to right above (click to enlarge): May 2011 daily average temperature at Slave Lake, Alberta, Canada, from Weather Office/Environment Canada

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