
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Wegman's: A Supermarket of Denialism

Nov. 24 Update: The commenters at Rabett Run point out that even the Daily Mail has got a clue:
Influential climate change report 'was copied from Wikipedia'

The WaPo, in whose backyard this business all transpired, is of course literally out to lunch, still focused on 80-pound cheese wheels.

Nov. 23 Update: USA Today's Vergano discusses the latest Wegmania this PM at his Science Fair blog: Wegman report round-up.
(h/t to John Mashey's comment at Herr Hare's)

Original Post:
To the WaPo, Wegman is just the name of a supermarket (Alec Baldwin: Paid to like Wegmans), while the Real Climategate continues to evolve in its own backyard at the suburban campus of George Mason University. USA Today follows up yesterday's report of an investigation into documented allegations of rampant plagiarism in the so-called Wegman Report to Congress (Experts claim 2006 climate report plagiarized) with a non-denial denial by the denialist:
Offered the chance to further respond to plagiarism allegations, reported Monday in USA TODAY, George Mason University statistician Edward Wegman said in an e-mail that "these attacks are unprecedented in my 42 years as an academic and scholar."
See Climate science critic responds to allegations for the full story.

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