
Monday, July 12, 2010

Washington Weekend Weathercaster Update, Summer Edition

The Washington weathercaster revolving door, which has been particularly active this year, took yet another spin this past weekend. Tom Sater, formerly a meteorologist on WTTG, Channel 5 (Fox), was spotted doing the 11 pm weather report on WUSA, Channel 9 (CBS), last night. The dcrtv blog reports that Sater will be doing freelance weekend substitutions during the summer for vacationing regulars on Channel 9. Since being released by Channel 5 in 2005, Sater has reportedly been a "salesman at a tractor and farm implements supply store in Warrenton." The American Meteorological Society List of Television Seal Holders [cached] shows that Thomas L. Sater is the holder of seal number 868 (inactive).

Here's the scorecard so far:
For previous spins of the weathercaster revolving door, see posts under the Mediarology tag.

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