
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Washington, DC Cool July Update

Images (click to enlarge): July 2009 month-to-date average temperature vs. monthly normal and records; top 10 coolest, long-term normal, and warmest July average temperatures in Washington, DC; CapitalClimate charts from National Weather Service data

See here for more Washington, DC weather records.

July 24 Update: With today's range of 68°-86°, this month is about to drop out of the top 20 coolest Julys. The monthly average so far of 75.8° is a 5-way tie for 20th place, so another 0.1° increase, likely with warmer temperatures in the next several days, will give it a further tumble in the standings.

Original post:
As temperatures have warmed in the third week of July, Washington's monthly average has climbed well out of the 10 coolest Julys. The month-to-date average of 75.4° is now in 17th place, just 0.1° ahead of July 1947. With humidity and cloudiness increasing this week, higher overnight lows should contribute to a higher monthly average, even without excessively hot days.

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