
Friday, May 29, 2009

Copenhagen Climate Change Conclusions

Just back from this week's World Business Summit on Climate Change in Copenhagen, CNBC's political correspondent John Harwood reported this morning on the "key takeaways" regarding an emerging global consensus on climate:
  • Is it a threat? Yes
  • Can markets fix it? No
  • Will governments act? Yes

At the conference, world business leaders issued a call for a climate treaty that creates
clear long-term certainty on incentives, targets and time lines for unleashing the private sector strategies and investments needed to make a low-carbon economy possible.
The full text of the conference's statement calls for:
  1. Agreement on a science-based greenhouse gas stabilization path with 2020 and 2050 emissions reduction targets that will achieve it;
  2. Effective measurement, reporting and verification of emissions performance by business;
  3. Incentives for a dramatic increase in financing low emissions technologies;
  4. Deployment of existing low-emissions technologies and the development of new ones;
  5. Funds to make communities more resilient and able to adapt to the effects of climate change, and
  6. Means to finance forest protection.


  1. I was very tempted to show up, but apparently they were charging admission if you weren't affiliated with Congress.

  2. Oh, good news, signers of the Orgone Petition got 30 bucks knocked off the fee:
    Please note we will confirm that you have legitimately signed the petition, and we reserve the right to reject discounted registrations from persons who have not signed. Partial refunds will not be made to people who sign the petition after they've registered.

  3. Actually, that's the Oregon Petition, run by OISM, not Orgone.

    The latter is the province of Dr James DeMeo (familiar to you from CATO ad), who has spent his long "professional career" researching Reich's orgone energy. DeMeo runs the Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, which does happen to be located in Oregon. That was good enough to get him on CATO's list.
