
Monday, December 29, 2008

Countdown to a Change of Atmosphere:
Inauguration Weather Watch 2009

Inauguration Day, January 20, is now 3 weeks from tomorrow. That's beyond the range of accurate daily weather forecasting, but general trends are at least beginning to emerge for the early part of January.

December's temperatures have averaged near the long-term "normal" in Washington, DC; they're now just 0.2° warmer than the 30-year mean. However, they've gotten there the hard way. Within the past week, temperatures have been as much as 16° below average (high of 28° on the 22nd) and also as much as 23° above average (high of 70° yesterday).

The latest extended-range forecast from the National Weather Service's Climate Prediction Center calls for nearly equal chances of above or below average temperatures in the Mid Atlantic region for the 6-10 day period Jan. 4-8. For Jan. 6-12, however, below-average temperatures are more likely.

Stay tuned; the first extended range forecast to include Inauguration Day will be issued a week from tomorrow.

Click here for previous Inauguration weather posts.

Images (click to enlarge): Average temperature forecasts for Jan 4-8 and Jan 6-12, 2009, from Climate Prediction Center/National Weather Service/NOAA

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