
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Capitol Climate Change: LA Waxes Detroit
Ding Dong, Dingell's Gone

In another sign that change is coming to Washington, Rep. Henry Waxman of California today replaced the venerable Rep. John Dingell of Michigan as chairman of the powerful House Energy and Commerce and Committee. Dingell, age 82, has held the chairmanship whenever Democrats have controlled the House since 1981. As a representative from Michigan, Dingell has consistently supported the interests of the auto industry on energy and environmental issues. Waxman, on the other hand, has been an advocate for stronger action on clean energy and climate legislation.

Following the Democratic Caucus vote which elected him Chairman, Rep. Waxman issued the following statement:
I am honored by the vote of the Democratic Caucus. We are at a unique moment and have an opportunity that comes only once in a generation. I will work with all parts of our Caucus and across the aisle to deliver the change that the American public expects us to deliver.

I have worked with Chairman John Dingell for 34 years. He has been a true legislative champion. I will always admire and respect him and his many legislative accomplishments.
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