
Tuesday, August 7, 2007

High Summer

**Heat Advisory in Effect Until 8 PM This Evening, 1 PM to 8 PM Wednesday **


Hazy, hot, humid. High summer had many residents of the Washington metro area feeling "down, low down" today, but the most hyped extremes of heat failed to materialize as the core of the heat wave remained to the south and west of the region. At mid afternoon, Culpeper had the lone triple-digit temperature, but the 104° heat index there was exceeded by the 109° reading at Fredericksburg resulting from a 97° temperature/75° dewpoint.

In the immediate vicinity of the Beltway, temperatures at post time are generally in the mid 90s. Thunderstorms on radar are mainly limited to Pennsylvania, although a scattered and weakening line extends through eastern West Virginia.

Very hot temperatures and uncomfortable humidity will continue through at least tomorrow, with one major model predicting a high of 103°.

Tonight and Tomorrow

Hot, humid, scattered thunderstorms possible. There is a very slight chance of an isolated thunderstorm through this evening; otherwise, it will be another warm and sticky night with lows dipping into the upper 70s downtown and the lower 70s in the 'burbs. Tomorrow will be continued hot and humid with highs 96-101° and heat indices as high as 105-107°. There is only a slight chance of an afternoon or evening thunderstorm.

For the outlook through the rest of the week, scroll on down to Jason's post below.

Tropical Topics

Although several typhoons have been active in the Pacific recently, the tropical Atlantic remains quiet.

The Miami Herald and the Palm Beach Post both reported today on the news we posted yesterday regarding the suggestion that ousted National Hurricane Center Director Proenza return to his old job in Texas.

Mediaorology: "Sultry 24/7"

Yesterday's New York Daily News TV section featured a review of The Weather Channel's female talent (Alexandra Steele, Heather Tesch, Stephanie Abrams, Nicole Mitchell).

Alexandra Steele photo from The Weather Channel

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