
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Spring Training


Mostly cloudy, seasonably cool. It's not quite spring-like, but except for a slight dip around noon, temperatures have been steadily rising since 8pm last night to more seasonable levels in the Washington metro area. Persistent clouds and a slowly melting ice pack kept readings in the immediate area to the mid and upper 40s, but sunnier locations as close as Fredericksburg exceeded 60°, and the 60s were common southward and eastward through the rest of Virginia. Today's high of 47°, with the midnight low of 37°, makes this the first day this month with above-average temperatures.

The nearest precipitation is an area of showers in the Ohio Valley. Some of these showers ahead of a weak cold front should arrive overnight, to be followed by drier and seasonably mild conditions tomorrow.

Tonight and Tomorrow

Scattered showers, followed by clearing and seasonable. There is a 60% chance of rain showers overnight with lows in the upper 30s to around 40°. Clouds will decrease tomorow with highs 48-52°.

For the outlook through the rest of the week, scroll down to Jason's post below.

Climate Corner

The board of the AAAS, the world's largest general science organization, released a statement on climate change on Sunday at the association's annual meeting in San Francisco. The statement, the first on global warming by the AAAS, was featured in an article, "Scientist Group Warns of Warming 'Threat'", on the back page of the WaPo A-section yesterday.

Also at the annual meeting, AAAS President John P. Holdren strongly urged scientists and engineers to become personally involved in working to find solutions to the challenges posed by "poverty, climate change and nuclear proliferation." His call to "tithe" 10% of their time "to working to increase the benefits of science and technology for the human condition and to decrease the liabilities" was received with a standing ovation.


Dave Statter's WUSA-TV report of vehicles spinning out of control on untreated Lee Highway in Rosslyn Sunday night was featured prominently and repeatedly on the Weather Channel's Evening Edition last night.

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