
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

November Contrasts


Seasonably mild. Our month of November contrasts continues as somewhat thinner clouds today have allowed temperatures to rise into the low 60s in the Washington metro area. Highs were 61° at National and 65° at Dulles. Meanwhile, across the country, cold air continues to penetrate the Pacific Northwest and the Northern Plains.

Tonight and Tomorrow

Some clouds, continued mild. Under increasing clouds later tonight, lows should range from the upper 40s downtown to the low 40s in the 'burbs.
Tomorrow will be mostly cloudy with some sun and highs in the mid 60s.

For the outlook through the rest of the week and the weekend, scroll down to Jason's post below.

Snow in Washington!

As viewers of Monday Night Football already know, you could have seen snow in Washington yesterday, but you'd have needed to cross the continent to do it. On top of the already record-breaking November rainfall, the Seattle metro area received a relatively rare several inches of snow yesterday. As of this morning, only 0.09" of additional precipitation was needed to break the all-time Seattle monthly record of 15.33" which was set in 1933. Only a trace of snow fell earlier today, and skies were mostly sunny with temperatures in the mid 20s early this afternoon. The forecast indicates that another storm moving in from the Gulf of Alaska will bring more precipitation tomorrow night and into Thursday.

Photo of Seattle-Green Bay football game last night from USA Today.

Political Science

The National Science Teachers Association today issued a press release in response to the Sunday WaPo Outlook section article by Laurie David about the distribution of "An Inconvenient Truth" DVDs cited in yesterday's PM Update.

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