
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Not-too-taxing Weather (Unless You're a Plant)

Temperatures are at outstandingly pleasant seasonal levels in the Washington DC metro area this afternoon, mainly upper 60s by mid afternoon and a few 70s on the southern fringes of the region. As Matt indicated earlier, this fine spring weather is likely to continue for several more days.

Although heavier amounts fell to the south, the modest rainfall yesterday barely made a dent in the accumulated precipitation deficit. Dulles received only 0.25" vs. the 0.35" at National, and BWI had a mere 0.01". Here in the northern suburbs, about half the official amount fell at the local WeatherBug network station. chart from NWS data, photo © Kevin Ambrose

Tonight and Tomorrow

With clear skies and light winds, low temperatures tonight will be near 50 in the city, down to the lower 40s in the colder 'burbs. Tomorrow will look a lot like today, but a couple of degrees warmer, highs near 73.


Earth Day is approaching this Saturday, and PBS has climate change on the schedule for tonight. As PM Update previewed yesterday, NOVA is presenting "Dimming the Sun", based on a BBC program broadcast last year. Last night, posted a new entry noting that the NOVA version has been re-edited, hopefully to remove or put into better context some of the more extreme claims.

NOVA is immediately followed by "The State of the Planet's Wildlife", another program in the "Journey to Planet Earth" series. This program, narrated by Matt Damon, focuses on the effects of climate change on wildlife and the threat of widespread extinctions.

On Saturday, HBO is broadcasting the documentary "Too Hot Not to Handle", produced by Laurie David, wife of Larry David. All three shows are previewed in today's New York Times.

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