
Monday, February 27, 2006

A Glancing Blow

A weak low-pressure trough, supported by strong jet-stream energy at upper levels, brought some widely scattered snow flurries to the Washington DC metro area around lunch time. At mid afternoon, radar showed similar scattered activity around the Baltimore area. Some more flurries may break out into this evening, but no accumulation is likely in the immediate metro area. In the higher elevations well to the north and west, some amounts up to an inch are possible.

The Arctic front which blew into the area Saturday night led to a low this morning of 21°, but in spite of weak sunshine, temperatures are moderating this afternoon to near 40° (still 10° below average). The coming week (see details in Jason's post below) has high potential on the bustometer scale, especially for temperature, as the Arctic air to the northeast battles encroaching warmth from the center of the country. The next chance for significant precipitation is shaping up on the horizon of model predictability as a possible rain/snow event on Monday. chart from NWS data, photo &copy Kevin Ambrose

Tonight and Tomorrow

Tonight will be mainly overcast with a slight chance of scattered snow flurries, lows in the upper 20s. Variable clouds tomorrow will be accompanied by highs in the mid 40s.

Where Did the Snow Go?

The strong storm which helped push the Arctic front through our area this weekend bypassed New England, but Newfoundland was absolutely hammered with up to 2 feet of snow in some areas. The capital of St. Johns was paralyzed by drifting snow. City officials estimated that it could take as much as 2 weeks to get back to normal.

Photo from CBC

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